Londo 111,
I think you nailed it! When used against extremist elements, bans tend only feed fanaticism.
Against a money-hungry mob such as the WTS, hitting them hard where it hurts the most, like the hip-pocket, is much more effective!
it's been brought to my attention that there are xjw that say they support the witnesses and don't think russia should ban them.
i would just like to remind all of you that jws are guilty of murder, causing higher rates of suicide, covering up child molestation, and keeping members in prisoned because if they leave they loose family, financial support, possible employment etc.. sure their not strapping bombs to their chests but they easily get members to kill themselves with their blood policies.
they are an extremist group!
Londo 111,
I think you nailed it! When used against extremist elements, bans tend only feed fanaticism.
Against a money-hungry mob such as the WTS, hitting them hard where it hurts the most, like the hip-pocket, is much more effective!
i've been thinking about this the past few days and curious what the honest consensus is here just for fun.. show of hands,.
is the governing body.... a: completely sincere.
they really do believe what they teach.. b: somewhat sincere.
My guess is that Governing Body membership would be divided between Category C, and a modification of Category A.
This would mean a mixture of both:
1)Those who are completely insincere, and are just playing the system for what they can get out of it.
2) And others who have heard so many lies told for so long that they end up believing it themselves.
with all the emphasis on hierarchical succession in that wt, , what ever happened to mentioning of the refreshing, liberating "rotating of positions" period, the time of great increase?
The rotation of positions in the congregation was implemented at the same time as the elder arrangement came in - i.e. at the start of the 1973 Service Year.
It did not last for very long, though. From memory, the first position to be made non-rotational was that of congregation secretary. That happened fairly quickly, well before the 1970s were out - something to do with the congregation requiring a "fixed address" for all its correspondence.
· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
....... and if some of us (myself included) are not just totally "Religioned Out"!
- which is maybe just a more polite version of having had a good, old fashioned "Gutsfull".
today at the service group the elder leading couldn't figure out which was which.
he was trying to convince us that the memorial was at the new moon.
Well the WTS always liked to say that it required "no special abilities" in order to qualify as an elder!
last night i had jw broadcasting on in the background while i was working, i like to keep up to date with their crap.
which is strange because when i actually was a jw i hated reading or watching their material.. anyway, on the streaming section, anthony morris comes on screen telling me that higher education is bad and "the better the university, the greater the danger".
i never would have believed it if i hadn't seen him say it myself.
"We wont need doctors or lawyers after armageddon, but we WILL need carpenters and plumbers!!".
Further proof the bloody fool doesn't know what he is talking about!
Construction activities also require the services of para-professionals such as quantity surveyors, drafting technicians and survey technicians, as well as professionals such as architects, structural engineers, civil engineers and town planners (these are cited as examples only - the list is by no means an exhaustive one).
All these professions together contribute a much different set of skills than that which can possibly be provided by even somebody holding an advanced trade qualification.
For a few brief years during the "quickbuild" kingdom hall era of the late 1980s and early nineties, it seemed like the WTS had finally woken up to that one. If so, then the likes of this bright spark has just as quickly forgotten!
last night i had jw broadcasting on in the background while i was working, i like to keep up to date with their crap.
which is strange because when i actually was a jw i hated reading or watching their material.. anyway, on the streaming section, anthony morris comes on screen telling me that higher education is bad and "the better the university, the greater the danger".
i never would have believed it if i hadn't seen him say it myself.
They know how important professionals are to their org. They use them all the time.
Too right they do - and always have done!
As people would express it down in this part of the world "They ought to be shot with a ball of their own $h#t!"
lately i have been studying some basic christology and jesus in the old testament and why first christians believed jesus was god in the flesh.
really interesting stuff.
i am not really sure if i fully understand it but i do now realize why pastors go to university and bible school for a number of years and also how their beliefs are not just based on a few verses that can be edited in the nwt.
Now my question here is when you were in , did you understand the incredibly complex and twisted explanations of the WTS or did those briefcase full of books just make you sleep better at night.
As I said earlier, there was a time when I thought that I did.
(And we all know what Thought did!)
lately i have been studying some basic christology and jesus in the old testament and why first christians believed jesus was god in the flesh.
really interesting stuff.
i am not really sure if i fully understand it but i do now realize why pastors go to university and bible school for a number of years and also how their beliefs are not just based on a few verses that can be edited in the nwt.
Joe Grundy
The 'unanimity of beliefs' of the 'first christians' seems to me to be a myth,
I think you just nailed it!
That is why councils such as that held in Nicea in AD 325 were convened - i.e. to try and establish some common ground.
"all people in the world are currently considered enemies of god" gee i wonder where some poeple get the idea that we are an extremist organization.. " jehovahs chariot is moving forward at blazing speed!
" in what reality is contraction and downsizing moving forward?.
"it used to be that if a congregation reached 150 publishers we would split into 2 congregations now if we have 2 congs.
It has been nearly 25 years since I last attended a kingdom hall during a CO's visit. It sure does not sound like I have missed much!